Ipsos Encyclopedia - Нейромаркетинг
Нейромаркетинг основывается на новейших разработках нейронауки и поведенческих наук в понимании того, как работает мозг и как действуют эмоции, чтобы помочь маркетологам понять мотивации людей, оценить реакцию на маркетинговые стимулы и расширить понимание того, как потребители могут себя вести
Neuromarketing draws upon the latest understanding of Neuroscience and Behavioural Science in terms of how the brain works and how emotions act as unconscious drivers to help marketers understand human motivation, evaluate response to marketing stimuli and enhance understanding of how consumers can be expected to behave. This relatively new discipline, approximately a decade in the making, leverages the measurement methods of Neuroscience, primarily EEG (Electroencephalogram), Biometrics, Facial Coding, Eye Tracking and Implicit Reaction Time to bridge the learning of traditional conscious market research techniques, to provide a comprehensive perspective on consumer response and intent as was never before available, but widely longed for.
Neuromarketing leverages multidisciplinary knowledge, taking into consideration Cognitive Psychology, Neuro Economics and so on to consider human response and behaviour in as complete a way as possible in a consumer context.
As an approach to market research, the industry has seen a number of new boutique companies spring to life specialising in Neuromarketing, as well as the large leading research firms such as Ipsos and Nielsen create dedicated Neuromarketing Centres of Excellence. Neuromarketing now has a dedicated professional organisation, The Neuromarketing Science and Business Association (www.nmsba.com) and is a featured topic at many industry conferences and workshops.
Ipsos Point Of View:
Ipsos has seasoned professional capabilities and offers a wide array of services in Neuromarketing, drawing upon expertise in Neuroscience, Behavioural Science, Neuroeconomics and Cognitive Neuroscience. Our aim is to integrate Neuromarketing methods into all appropriate studies so that both conscious and nonconscious perspectives are understood. Not being wed to any one approach, Ipsos is method-agnostic and can recommend the best design for any given set of objectives taking into considerations sensitivity, reliability and practicality.
Recommended readings:
Book: Thinking Fast and Slow, Daniel Kahneman
Book: Descartes' Error, Antonio Damasio
Ipsos White Paper: "Clearing the Fog on Neuroscience", Elissa Moses
Article: Lindquist, Wager, Kober, Bliss-Moreau, & Barrett (2012) The Brain Basis of Emotion – A Meta-Analytic Review